Chat 💬 🗣

Why to use this chat

  • If you’re lonely
  • If something sad happened and you want to talk about it
  • If you’re bored
  • If you want to talk with me
  • if you just wanna have fun 😎🤠🥸

But before you talk at all, answer this: What is the purpose of this chat, and why?

575 thoughts on “Chat 💬 🗣

    1. Oh yeah, sure!
      Okay, so the first thing you do is visit this site, which is Crowdsignal, the app that you use to make the polls):
      There’ll be a pink/purple/reddish button that says “Create New”. Click it, and it’ll give you a bunch of options on what you can make (quizzes, polls, surveys, etc.). After you finish, click the pinkish-purple-red button that says “Share” and copy the link. Then you can put it on your blog!

      If you have a WordPress account, you do not need to make a CrowdSignal account.

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          1. check the examples
            each site each looks different
            like i said, we’ll get into that later
            just finish ur home post if u haven’t already


          1. Speaking of animals, a sparrow just hit my window and it might be unconscious. All I could do was put it in a shoebox with a towel, so please pray for it 😦


      1. It has. The curiosity grabbed an ax and killed you in your sleep. Now you are in a fake world where everybody pretends that you’re alive in the real world. I have come to enlighten you.

        *snaps into another half of soul*

        Wait a minute; what was my brain doin…

        *snaps back into the other self*

        AGH! The liar has taken hold! GET HIM OUT!

        *snaps into the other half*

        What it’s the liar! Stop now…


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          1. I dunno; the lady who manages the site emailed my mom, so I moved over… So I’m not really too sure, but I’m not on the old one anymore.


  1. hello!!! 🙂 I am bored 😉 I have a question though! There was just a post put out and it said “4 days until the end of the drawing competition!” So could you give me the link to the main post??? I would really love to join 🙂 🙂 🙂

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          1. I like Ariana Grande too! Although there are swears in them, there are clean versions made on YouTube. Which I think is pretty cool! I was wondering, would you want to continue our conversation through email?🤔 I really enjoy talking to you, I would like to get to know you more Mia! 😁

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          2. I’m not really sure which genre is my fav because I like a variety of things! I do like the movies Stardust and Avatar. I wouldn’t recommend Avatar for people under 14 or 15 years old because I has bad language and is pretty violent at the end.

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          3. I believe I’ve seen a little bit of Avatar, and I’ve never seen Stardust… One of my favorites has to be The Last Airbender, and The Lego Ninjago Movie. I like a variety of things for a genre too, so it’s hard to chose. I like some scary movies though, it’s fun to be scared from time to time, lol. 🧟‍♂️ What’s your favorite type of weather? 🤔

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          4. Nice! I live in the northern states, so we get a month or two of extra snow. ☃❄ I like storms, especially lightning storms, it’s fun to see the lightning, and the smell of rain is nice. Do you stargaze at all? 🌟

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          5. That’s fun! I live in the suburbs, so whenever the sky is clear I go outside for awhile. My grandparents live the same way, they have a big backyard. Sometimes we can see satellites! 🛰 What’s your favorite holiday? 🎄

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          6. Usually we get together, but sometimes we just stay home and relax.
            Are you excited for the new year? I can’t believe this year’s almost over!! Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?

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          7. Nice! Yuss! I’m excited, I can’t believe it’s almost 2023! For Christmas, we wait till Christmas Eve to listen to Christmas music, put up the tree, and watch Christmas movies for the first time in December. We leave the tree, and decorations up till February 2. No, I have not thought of a New Years Resolution yet… Have you? What is it?

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          8. I guess we both got a little busy, lol. 😅
            Mr. New Years, ”What is your Resolution?”
            Me, ”I’m afraid I don’t have one.”
            Mr. New Years, ”*Slaps* Shame one you, you will continue to live in the year 2022, until you’ve figured it out”
            Me, ”**Walks away head down* Oh well, I better think of something.”
            😂 lol

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          9. I like a variety! I love… *takes a deeeeep breath for the oncoming mile of words* milkshakes and smoothies and hot cocoa and regular milk and goat milk and water and probably not soda but I do like root beer and *rambles on forever*
            I do actually like goat milk though. My younger brother can’t drink cow’s milk so he drinks goat milk. It affects the whole family lol

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          10. I like reading, I may not be a book worm, 📚 but I enjoy books. I get more time to read books in the summer, I read some pretty good books. *looks in the distance* ”Summer how I’ve missed you.” *tear falls down*. Regular person looks where you are looking *confusion, walks away*

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        1. Cool!! I’ve played soccer, volleyball, and did Tae Kwon Do! I did volleyball over the fall, and I’m still doing soccer. I used to do Tae Kwon Do, but I stopped at jr. black belt because life was getting too busy.

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          1. Ohh! That’s a lot different from Tae Kwon Do belts XD Red is right before black belt, and there are so many ranks of black belt! Jr. black belt is the lowest black belt rank lol. You have to keep testing to earn tick marks (where a piece of tape gets added to your belt and you pretend it’s a new belt), and three tick marks make a second degree, where you get a new belt. All first degree belts and higher get your name on it 🤩

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          2. Okay, that makes soo much more since. I was going to start bowing down to you. Teach me your ways, oh great powerful one, lol. 😂 Okii, White belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the starter point of the Art. I made it to Grey belt, the belt after the White belt. We do the ticks to, after the fourth tick (in which you earn by hard blood, sweat, and tears, (kidding, but not, at the same time) You get a new belt in the other promotion. On my Grey belt, I have three ticks. Man, I didn’t get my very first tick, until the fourth month of doing Jiu-Jitsu. 😐 Hard times, hard times.

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          3. Honestly, I have no idea 😅
            I had sooooooo many fun moments though 😆 it would take forever to describe them all
            Mr. 2022: M!a, shame on you! Describe every single fun moments you had in me!
            Me: okay, sorry Mr. 2022 😔
            Mr. 2022: wait a moment, you had, like, 7 million fun moments. Nevermind

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          4. XD Mr. 2022 got lazies, I call lazy! XD My favorite part of this year would have to be turning 13. I should cut it at that otherwise, I would be talking ALL night.
            Mr. 2022- *shaking head in the back at both of us… Looks at you* At least ‘she’ gave one memory!
            You- 😅 I would be talking all night
            Mr. 2022- Hmph
            Mr. 2023- *gives a superior look at 2022* She’s gonna like me more
            Mr. 2022- That’s what I said to Mr. 2021. You can have her, *mumbles* Even with the lack of a resolution.

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        1. Noice! I luv drawing/doodling myself! 💛 I saw that you have another website, Makin’ Anime. You’re sooo good! They’re really cute!! 🤩 What’s it like to draw digitally? And, What’s your favorite drawing that you made? 😁🤔

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          1. Your welcome! What’s Christmas movies did/do you watch? Mine was great as well!! Well, we went to Christmas mass, came home, we got our stockings, and a gift. We took a nap, with Christmas movies in the back, ate, then went to our grandparents house for dinner, and gifts. What’s your plans for the New Year?

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          2. *Gasp* Okii, I hope I can describe it without jumping with excitement. I will quote someone else ”An aspiring businessman named George Bailey is in trouble after failing in business in the small town of Bedford Falls. When he decides to take his own life because of his dire circumstances, Clarence, an angel from heaven, descends to help him understand his importance in the lives of others. George sets out to see if he can discover the true meaning of his life, at first being defiant.” now my addon So in the end his dire circumstances are dealt with, by the people he helped, making him the riches man in his town. I hope that helps, 😅. You would honestly have to see it to understand more.

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          3. Lol!
            I don’t have any pets 😦 Although I did have a goldfish who lived for almost 3 years and a puppy whom we had to give away due to her getting aggressive. Do you? And what is your favorite animal? Mine is a cat

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          4. I don’t have any pets either… 😔
            Though we had a dog when I was about…3?
            He died tho, then we bought another dog about two years ago, but we had to give him away due to aggressiveness. My favorite animal would have to be… Well, a cat, or a bunny. What is your favorite color/s? 🤔

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          5. Noice! I luv Rose Garden 🌹, 🤩 Chow Mein… I spelled that correctly right? The noodle dish with chicken? Anyways, I like burgers, Rose Garden, Sloppy Joes, Shrimp pasta, (although I eat it without the shrimp) All types of salads. I should stop there. Cool, I’m Italian/Germain/French-Canadian, I’ll have to ask for the rest. What are some injuries that you’ve had? 🤔 Weird question, I know, yet I got stitches a month before I turned 5.

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          6. Well, compared to someone who hasn’t broken anything, it purtty special. ⭐ I’ve only got stitches on my chin, a rusty nail once punctured my foot, nothing much after that. What happened? To you to break your wrist I mean? 🤔

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          7. It had a small fracture when fell off a bed XD It wasn’t a laughing matter at the time though. Then I fully broke it when I fell off monkey bars and landed on my wrist a few days later

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          8. I can’t tell you how many times I fell off a bed. XD I never climbed monkey bars tho, I was/am always too scared to do so. Man, I hope your wrist is okay now. 😥 What is your favorite thing to do at the park?

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          9. Good, the closet I’ve gotten to a broken bone is in a Jiu-Jitsu tournament ( a guy during a match almost broke my neck with a choke, I heard the bone from inside my body so I tapped 😅 close call) Noice. I like the swing sets! I I also like the slides. Ooh, random question… Have you ever heard of ”The Marx Bros.”? Not many people have, so I thought to ask you. If not, do you watch any other classics? 🤔

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          10. They’re really funny (The Marx Bros.) My mom introduced the movies to me when I was little (5/6/7) and I thought they were hilarious. My grandpa watched them when he was little, so the movies are in black/white and some/most are 100 years old. FUNNIWA FUNNNATION FUNNIES. Have you seen: The Sound of Music? (For Classics) King and I, Oklahoma, South Pacific, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Jurassic Park, Star Wars? That’s all I got, give my info on yo watcho. Have you seen any of those movies that I listed down? If not list 1 movie ( classics ) that you’ve seen. Pueese at weast 1! 😋


          11. XD Well, how bout you list 1. For instance here are a few I’ve seen *inhales till chest is as big as the room* XD: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Shera: and the princesses of power, Cuphead and Mugman, ( as you can see I LUV shows/cartoons) The Amazing World of Gumball, My Little Pony, We Bare Bears, Chowder, Transformers, and Adventure Time… Those are MOST of the shows I’ve seen. Have you seen any of them? 💻 What are some movies that you’ve seen? 🤔📺

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          12. Oops. Sorry 😅 I listed shows… Heh Changing question, What shows have you seen? Any that I listed? Oh, and it has to be at least 1. No more excuses! XD
            Shows/Movies: Looks at M!a in betrayal ”C’mon at least 1”
            M!a: I’d go on furever. I can’t
            Shows/Movies: I will turn off your WiFi!
            M!a: NOOOOOOOO *turns into Darth Vader, with music in background (Bum bum bum ba na da ba na da)* I will end you
            Shows/Movies: *exhales in fear* (not sure if that’s a thing) Fine, do what you want. At least answer the question
            M!a: *turns into self* Yeeah!

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          13. I agree SpongeBob SquarePants is a good show ( *shouts* I’ll NEVER GET TOO OLD FOR CARTOONS!!!!!) It is really funny too, we have one of the movies and I am always laughing. Uhm random question have you seen ”Playmobil: The Movie”? I recently watched it and I liked it, it came out in 2019.

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          14. Nope XD The only show I’ve seen from CN is Teen Titans Go! but my parents stopped letting my brothers and me watch it due to not liking Raven who’s a demon… They thought she was also too satanic, so I stopped watching it

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          15. Oof. My parents didn’t really let me watch Teen Titans Go for that reason as well… Anything with a demon based character (except Adventure Time) They rather me not watch. They also stopped letting my sister and I watch Pokémon. Okay, have you seen Voltron Legendary Defenders?

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          16. XD there’s a lot things but the main thing we watch there is probably Pokemon, Nailed it!, some Angry Birds TV show my youngest brother loves to watch, and Glitch Techs, which is one of my younger brother and my favorite shows, although we stopped watching it due to lack of interest and there were no more new episodes. Wow that was a really long sentence XD

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          17. Ikr! It’s so good!
            YES!! I LOVE THE MITCHELL’S VS THE MACHINES!! My fav part is when they’re at the dinosaur gas stop, and Arron is waiting to speak to the manager and then Sophie enters and offers to give him a pencil topper. I was laughing so hard when he yelled, “I hate dinosaurs and I hate you! Goodbye forever!” and then ran into the wall. XD

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          18. XD! Yesss!!!!! That is a really funny movie!!! My favorite part is when the robot is telling the people that they will be transported into space FOREVER XD. I laughed soooo hard I was crying! XD Okay, what other movies do you luv?

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          19. I also like in the MVM when Linda said, “What would a FUNCTIONAL family do right now?” and then it zoomed in on the Posy’s (is that how you spell it?) and it show them doing all these vital stunts, then when the Mitchell’s try doing it, they look really bad XD

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          20. Oof. Yeah, they took of two seasons off of TFP (Transformers Prime), and Rescue Bots and Ninjago, and more. So the other sources are better, because they don’t take the shows and movies off. Soo, how was your week so far?

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          21. I did lol
            One of the biggest things that we watch though is on YouTube. (Explanation: I don’t watch as much TV as my brothers and when I do, they normally choose, so I don’t always get to pick)
            All they watch are people gaming and it can be kind of excruciating. Their fav gamer is someone called “Zebra Gamer” XD

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          22. Yeah. We watch stuff on YouTube too. Uuh, I like Aphmau(when I get a chance) Though my parents use YouTube more than anyone in the house. So we mostly listen to cafe jazz, or movie soundtracks with screen savers. Along with comedies and talks by Jocko Willink (my role model) and Jordan Peterson and such. Ooh and don’t forget the nursery rhymes (for the kids) XD Have you heard of Jocko Willink?

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  2. Hey Mia! Its been SO long, how are you doing!? You haven’t posted in a while, I was just reading back through your books and my drawings. It has brought back so many fond memories.🥰

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    1. hey, sawyer! wow, it HAS been pretty long, hasn’t it :0
      i’m doing pretty good, thank you! i was actually thinking about re-writing twld because the writing’s not very good XD
      how are you doing?

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  3. I’m doing good, been better lol
    Yes you should def rewrite it!! I’m better at drawing now lol
    It was such an enjoyable time for me. We had SO much fun making that book☺️


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